Wedding Bells over Grumpy's Pet Shop

We're happy (nay thrilled) to announce that at long last Richard is tying the knot. It's taken him forty long years to find his Mrs Right which means that next Friday 20th May, 2016 our shop will be closing early 12.30, so that Jules can attend this auspicious occasion. We understand that there will over 100 guests, six bridesmaids and six groomsman to oversee the proceedings and it's all going to be held in a very grand venue.  So we've been out and brought posh frocks, Lulu's been whistling here comes the bride, all  in readiness for the big day.  If anyones knows of any good reason why..........??? then speak now or forever hold your peace.  Good luck and lots of love to Richard and Jenny xxxIMG_0058


Ladies and gentleman, let me introduce....

